Thursday, May 28, 2009

May birthday bash

May is a busy month for us with three birthdays, all within 6 days. Hannah turned 13 on the 17th, Chelsea turned 25 on the 22nd, and Richard the big 5-0 on the 21st. We celebrated with a big birthday bash on Saturday, the 23rd, with live music, good food, and fire juggling. I tried to keep it a surprise for Richard but there was no way that I could pull it off. While Sarah, Jonah, and I were hanging the birthday banner from the garage, he walked out and we yelled 'Surprise!'

So, of course, what else would Richard think to do but write a speech! Writing is becoming his life of late (watch for his book "Surviving Cyber War" due out in August, I believe) so it just seemed an apropos time to pen a few words.

I just love this intelligent, humorous, caring man!

1 comment:

Rosie the Riveted said...

He's a keeper, Karen! Sorry we missed that moment but thanks for asking us!