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Everyone's seen them, those magnetic word sets for the refrigerator that you use to make poems, sentences, or anything that suits your fancy. We have a set on our refrigerator and I'd like to share the inspiration that overcame the word-artistes in our family. I only wish I knew which child composed which saying or phrase.
I do know that I started it all with the following poem. (All the '/' you see denote the use of a separate letter.)
a symphony of languid moan/s
dream/y in their mean/ing
no frantic moment/s I will have
drunk in my garden play/ing
Now here are the rest of the works.
please smear only luscious chocolate lather
fluff still think/s like his puppy
eat then swim in honey
y not fall from my death
peach/es can sea my shadow
the blue milk is gone
rock these shake/ing gorgeous pink butt/s
purple sordid juice incubate/s
crush winter with ugly finger/s
why leave a man when his enormous apparatus fiddle/s a beauty/ful woman
worship a moon
after skin would white wind cry
you tell spring to iron rain
lie on her drool & you/r tongue will chant red flood/ed goddess
take not but stare at the bitter language
life shot the boy
I have black mist/ed dress/es heave in sweat
rob a gift club and lust repulsive/ly
lick raw meat & like it
i egg/ed pound/s
It's right around the corner...the day Michigan goes smoke free! I am so extremely happy about this that I could...could...well, something! It's about time to clear the air.
What a wonderful Mother's Day! Thank you to all my children for making it special. Thanks to Richard for all the hard work he put into the pizza making. And thanks to Patti, Steve, Michael, and Clare for bringing my mom, the gem of the family, to our house.
These are all my favorites that I received on Mother's day: Clematis, my favorite climbing vine; cupcakes from Pronto (where Chelsea works); patchouli soap; dark chocolate truffles; a jar of dark chocolate peanut butter; whoopi bars; a beautiful glass sea urchin vase; and the best cheese in the world, French Chaource. Richard gave me the fun solar lantern to hang either from the table umbrella or in our weeping cherry tree in the back yard when we entertain. It has small LCD lights inside that charge with the sun. I can't wait to see it glow!
We had a small houseful over for brick oven pizza and yummy desserts. The process of pizza-making is shown here for all of you who have not been over to witness it firsthand. Richard makes the pizza crust dough ahead of time from scratch. He has a pretty dog-gone good recipe figured out. We start by rolling out enough dough for a small pizza, transferring it over to a wooden pizza peel covered in corn meal. The corn meal prevents it from sticking to the peel and allows a smooth transfer over to the metal, long-handled peel used to place the pizza in the oven.
The oven is nice and hot, ready for cooking.
First, Richard must make way for the pizza by brushing out the ashes.
In goes the pizza!
The pizza must be turned half-way through the quick, 2-minute cooking process. Today the temperature of the oven averaged 750 degrees.
Checking to see if it is done...
...nope, needs a minute longer with a turn.
A view of the inside.
Voila! It's done and ready for hungry, anticipating bellies and salivating mouths! Good job, Richard. It's not burnt; Sarah will be happy.
As if pigging out on pizza wasn't enough, everyone finished with dessert. Hannah's homemade brownies were a big hit; the whole pan was gobbled up (thanks to Jonah!).
From the left: My mom, Elsie; my sister-in-law, Patti; my brother, Steve; Jonah; Steve's and Patti's oldest son, Michael; and his girlfriend, Clare.
Ha! I caught Chelsea with a real smile on her face instead of a silly face. Oh, and Hannah helped out with the brownies, too.
Jonah trying to hide his second brownie by shoving it in his mouth.
A very sweet shot of Sarah and Courtney.
Just for fun I am including this time-release movie of Richard making a pizza. I thought I was making a video; I didn't know the camera was set on time-lapse. It's fun if you keep clicking on the pause button.
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there in my blogosphere! And an especially warm wish goes out to my mom, the best mom in the world!
Richard and I visited our friends Lori and Dan this weekend in South Haven. Dan owns a house just about 1/2 mile from Lake Michigan and about 4 miles from downtown South Haven. We had a very relaxing and enjoyable time kicking back with them. Saturday night we ate dinner at the Thirsty Perch then shot a little pool on their short tables. Although I did sink a great side-pocket shot right before sinking the 8-ball to win the first game, I couldn't quite get the feel of the way the balls stay scattered so close together on the abbreviated surface. I didn't shoot very well overall but Richard was doing great. And Dan is very good at the game.
Sunday was a beautiful, blue sky treat with just a slight hint of coolness in the air that found Richard getting golf lessons from Dan. Dan's home is on 10 acres and he set himself up with a driving range complete with a wooden statue of a golfer at about 200 yards. After lessons, Dan and Richard headed off to the golf course for 9 holes while Lori and I lallygagged into the city. We enjoyed our walk along the water and had lunch at a small place that overlooked the river in town. It was a perfect way to spend a gorgeous day. Thanks to Lori and Dan for their hospitality!