I'm making an attempt this year to travel one-on-one with each of my daughters. This is the trip I did with Hannah over spring break of this year, in April. I took her to
The first weekend we went sailing with Richard. It was a bit choppy and just a wee too windy for a small boat so all we could do was sail out in the channel to the bay and then turn around. Sounds short but that took about an hour.
Also on that first weekend, we took a drive down the coast on the infamous Highway 1. We found this lovely beach with a couple of big caves carved into the rock. There was (unfortunate) evidence of people using the caves for various purposes but all-in-all it was pretty pristine. The carving you see Hannah doing was actually just writing with a stone.
We spent a while at that beach just enjoying the fact that there were no other people around. Richard, of course, had to get his feet wet and play in the water a bit.
Ahh...true love forever! Richard etched this heart in the sand with our initials in it!
These pictures of jellyfish were taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This aquarium is the best aquarium I have ever been to. It is well-known around the world and has an annual attendance of 1.8 million. It holds 35,000 plants and animals
representing 623 species.
Richard had to work during the week but Hannah and I played. We took a ferry over to
Here is Hannah cruising around the prison, checking out the escape routes.
And here is what a typical cell looked like. Can you imagine living in such a cramped space??
I think I would rather die. I'd at least go insane. I start going crazy when I don't get out of the house by early afternoon.
This cell shot is showing how 'the great escape' was pulled off. That is a dummy head you see lying on the pillow made from a homemade cement powder mixture, soap, and toilet paper. The authorities never found the guys who escaped and assume that they never made it to land.
We spent one day exploring Muir Woods, a beautiful redwood state park. I just love the smell of the forest. And in
I'm not sure if you can read the
dates on this tree sample but the birth of the tree was the year 909 and the year it fell was 1930. I wish I could grow that old as gracefully!
We had a great time in the city by the bay and I hope it will be etched in Hannah's memory forever.
Here are a few more random pictures of our trip.
Here we are eating dinner 'down below' on a floating boat restaurant called
Hannah enjoying downtown San Fran, taking in the sights.
Hannah being sassy. Pthhhhh!
Early training for the good life.
More jellyfish. This one was taken at the Pier 39 aquarium.
Just chillin' by the fire in the apartment.
f'ing great pictures, Karen!
Wow! What a great compliment from a professional artist! Thanx, V.
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