Right from the beginning of our relationship we meshed together. Our personal natures complimented each other enough to make it fun and they also reflected each other where it was important.
As time has passed there is one feeling, among others more obvious, that has not diminished that I still have for my husband: admiration. I admire my husband. I feel extremely fortunate to have stumbled upon someone who possesses so many genuine qualities that are rare to find all bundled into one person. He is extremely intelligent, interesting, patient, considerate, attentive, loving, understanding, fun, and adventurous. All that on top of being incredibly attractive.
Best of all he lets me know how much he appreciates me.
I only hope I can live up to the challenge of making him aware of how much I appreciate him.
I love you, Richard.
Of course he made you rock! He's a "rock"et scientist!
This is a sweet post. Lucky Richard; luck you.
It is wonderful when a very dear friend has a very dear spouse. It kind of makes us all happier!
Cheers to you both!!!!
We all think he is great too!!! Third time was the charm!!!
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