Wednesday, April 30, 2008

That's my girl!

For those of you who don't know, I'm one of two coaches of my daughter Hannah's softball team this year. The five teams in her league are comprised of girls from 6th to 8th grade, Hannah being in 6th. There is a new softball/baseball training center that opened up in our area this year and we are taking advantage of it. There is a softball coach there, Tiffany Worthy, who Hannah meets with about once a week.

Tiffany is wonderful. While in high school in Yorba Linda, California, she had a .700 batting average as a catcher. She had numerous colleges offering scholarships and she ended up at the University of Michigan. She jokes about how she visited the university in the summer and was told that 'it doesn't snow much here.' Lucky for Hannah she met and fell in love with a Michigan guy and is now engaged to be married. So she's sticking around! Hannah has decided that she wants to be a catcher; Tiffany is having fun teaching her the ropes.

Here is a video of Hannah warming up at the training center. You can see Tiffany in the background with the blonde hair.

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