The first one I wrote for all my daughters, Courtney, Chelsea, Sarah, and Hannah. It doesn't have a title yet.
Awkward change unspoken
Through frenzied moments of exasperation
The journey has been taken by all before
But knowledge cannot be passed on
Be mindful and curious
Be watchful and suspicious
Be bold and unnerving
Be reverent and unfailing
Be honored
Be humbled
Be strong
Be sure
Most importantly
The next one was written for Chelsea. It has a title, simple as it is.
To Chelsea
Every moment cannot hold
The happiness we long for
But if we tread with thoughtful step
There'll be not less but more
Choices are but not a gift
For they are ours to own
When we seek what's in our heart
All happiness is known
Stumbling can only help
To clarify the way
When we fall we rise back up
The path more clear than day
This is what I hope for you
My child of blood and love
That you will choose not only fun
But ALL that brings you love!
And this last one was written specifically for Chelsea, also.
Take With You
Take with you a lust for life
Take with you a longful hope
Take with you my 'mother's' dream
That helps you for to cope
Take with you sweet memories
Take with you sweet thought
Take with you all of us
For in our lives you're caught
In all of this, most of all
What I wish for you is
To take my love to wear within
Every inch of you.
So go, my child, knowing you have strong support and endless love from your family. We will miss you terribly but remember to have fun!
I love you.